Our Fleet and Facilities

The club owns 14 gliders, and these are available for use by any of our members according to their qualification. The core of our training fleet club is 7 “K21” dual seat trainers, manufactured in Germany by Alexander Schleicher. We also have an earlier AS model, the K13 which is primarily used to advanced ab-initio training such as spinning as well as being well used on instructor training courses. The K21 fleet can be used for dual seat aerobatics training. For those who love the thrill of extreme aerobatics we have a Pilatus B4 single seater.

Soon after going solo, most pilots will convert to flying our club ASK23 single seat gliders – we have 3 of them. For advanced cross-country and competition training, we have a Duo Discus two-seater as well as an ASW19 and Discus single seater. The Duo has been refurbished recently and have the latest instrumentation. The ASW19 is mainly for use by our cadets but when they are not flying it, it is available to the rest of the membership provided they are suitably qualified.

Our Superfalke motor glider is an extremely versatile aircraft. It is used for navigation training, field landing simulation, instructor development as well as preparation for TMG qualifications. Our tug fleet consists of 4 Robin DR400 aircraft, 1 robin DR300 and a Piper SuperCub which is currently undergoing restoration.

The winch has 6 drums and typically launches a K21 to 1000ft.

Flying operations are controlled from our ‘tower’ which is positioned each morning at the appropriate launchpoint, determined by the wind direction.

Our glider workshop is particularly busy in the winter as every aircraft has an annual inspection – a bit like an MOT for your car. There is another workshop for the tug aircraft, and one for members to use on their own repair and restoration projects.

Our clubhouse and hangar building was opened in 1935 and is Grade 2 listed. Our glider fleet is housed in the hangar under the restaurant.

The restaurant is one of the great attractions of the club. Situated above the hanger there are panoramic views across the airfield.

After a day of exhilarating flying we adjourn to the bar or sit at the picnic area with friends to enjoy the sunset and swap stories about the day’s achievements.

We have briefing room for small groups and the Withall Room is a fully equipped presentation room for lecures seating up to 50 people.

There are several computers for members to do their own flight planning, and the whole site is served by wifi.

The office looks after all our administration and accounts, managing both the day-to-day liaison with suppliers and contractors as well as looking after our members.

There are shower facilties and we have 5 twin rooms available for those who need to stay overnight.

The Fleet:

With 14 pure gliders, 1 motor glider and 5 tugs, our fleet at LGC covers all possibile requirements. Each glider is identified by a three letter code that is known as a trigraph or the competition number.

ASK 21

The K21 is the main two seat club trainer. It is used for trial lessons, day courses, and normal club instruction. We have seven K21s. They are basically the same, being able to accommodate a wide range of pilot sizes. Rumour has it that it was designed specifically so it could fit in our hangar!

Duo Discus

The club Duo Discus (LGC) is used mostly for cross country training. It is a modern high performance glider, with a glide angle of 44 to 1. This is the same type as the glider used in the Pierce Brosnan version of “The Thomas Crown Affair”.


The single seat Discus (UMU) is our latest addition, being introduced to the fleet in early 2024. It is a modern high performance glider, with a glide angle of 44 to 1. This is a glider suitable for relativly new cross country pilots right up to those looking to fly regional and even national competitions.

ASK 23

Once you have learned to fly you progress on to flying in a single seat glider. We have three K23s, EVW, EVX, LUK. They have all been recently refinished and sport colourful and distinctive flashes. Most pilots will do their first cross country flights in a K23.


The single seat ASW19 was introduced to the fleet in early 202x. Much like the Discus, this is a glider suitable for relativly new cross country pilots right up to those looking to fly regional and even national competitions. It is used primarily by our cadets however it is open for use by suitably qualifed full members.

Rotax Falke

Motor Glider A single-engined aircraft, used for basic power flying training.

Robin DR400

These single engined aircraft are used for towing the gliders into the air, known as “tugs” to glider pilots.