Read the Jan-Mar 2021 issue of The Grid
New year, new expectations
A long winter
In the first issue of this year, we celebrate the 2020 winners of the LGC trophies (pg 6) and say a big thank you and goodbye to Trevor, who was our chef for over nine years (pg 22).
Andrew Sampson gives us an update on our club operations (pg 7). Tom Pridgeon describes in more details how the BGA Ladder and OLC work, showcasing the creation of Glana, by Hugo Ribeira (pg 9).
Paul Richer tells us what is it like to live with a self-launcher (pg 14), while Mark Newland-Smith shares his musings about Red Kites (pg 18).
As usual, Steve Lynn and KS went on new adventures just before the lockdown (pg 20).
On the historical side, Andrew Sampson shares some extracts of the Sailplane magazine of 1935 (pg 24).
As we look forward to a great season, a beautiful gliding photo gallery reminds us of the joy of flying (pg 12), the Dunstable Regionals will be back in August (pg 17), and a new 6km run challenge is up for grabs (pg 23).